Friday, March 06, 2015

Weekend Reads

This weekend, I would like to curl up (with a good book) in this room. Instead, I will be running errands, going on play dates, and perhaps curling up in my own, slightly less glamorous living room.

Here are some links I liked this week:

A campaign to put a woman on the $20 bill.

Spooky subway activity: witnesses describe portal to mysterious G Train platform between subway stations.

Another Subway secret: have you seen the hidden subway station beneath City Hall?

Fascinating article on Remembering a Crime You Didn't Commit.

I would love to go on a cross-country road trip.

How to order the best cup of coffee.

A beautiful Brooklyn home.

Secondhand gym clothes. I guess this is a thing?

A documentary about the man who created Eloise! Created by Lena Dunham.

I often go make-up free for 24 hours, but always use a moisturizer. Maybe this weekend I'll try a 24 hour detox. 

I love Megan's picks from ASOS. ASOS was such a great resource for me when I was pregnant. I also keep seeing this dress on blogs and would love an excuse to try it!

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